Profile A, B, C

Succeeding at the SLE (Second Language Exam) is not our only goal as we feel that the language being learned should last a lifetime.
The training methods used for all Federal employees are developed by the Canadian School of Public Service Commission (CSPSC) utlizing communication-based training for improved workplace communication in French and English :

  1. Programme de français langue seconde (PFL2) for French
  2. Communicative English at Work Program (CEWP) for English 

– Profile A & B-The beginner and intermediate levels
– Profile C- The advanced level

The 4 components of the language testing are the same for all profiles, but in varying degrees of tolerable error margin concerning the understanding, ambiguity, or clarity of the messages:

  1. Aural comprehension
  2. Reading comprehension
  3. Written expression
  4. Oral Interaction

This method is available in an online format for all federal employees by accessing their ‘myaccount’ at: . All instructors come to class with the related teaching material.
In addition to the prescribed method, The Language Studio also incorporates the following accompaniments into individual training plans:
• Industry/department specific: Students will work on technical documents and vocabulary related to their field of work such as regulations, policies, programs, procedures, correspondence, etc.
• Written Expression: 1000 practice tests similar to those at the PSC that have been developed by TLS to be completed by the students autonomously, and then corrected with the instructor.
• Aural/Reading/Oral interaction: 150 pages of oral questions and role-play simulation exercises emulating those of the PSC.



  • Each student has a personally developed training plan
  • Training is overseen by a Program Manager and Pedagogical Advisor
  • Intensive training will be shared among several teachers in to enrich the experience and to contribute to diversity of accents, intonations, pedagogical approaches.
  • Oral exam preparation will see an increased diversity of training.
  • Online delivery method.
  • Flexibility of scheduling and rescheduling includes evenings and weekends.


Send us your requirements and your test results (from the PSC); we would be pleased to provide you with a personalized quote.
We can provide in-house assessments with a Pedagogical Advisor.